Welcome to Church Planting Mexico

Making Disciples &

Planting Biblical Churches

Meet the Marr Family

Nathan Marr works as a missionary church planter and pastor in the city of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua with the help of his wife Misty and their children Rosy, Grace, Lizzie, Andy, Bekah, Ruth, Philip, Susy and James. 
Nathan and Misty were married in Saltillo, Coahuila Mexico in 2002. God blessed them with the opportunity to participate in ministry in Mexico with Misty’s father, Mike Richardson in the early 2000s. 
Following years of ministry in the Phoenix, AZ area Nathan, Misty and family were sent back to Mexico, this time to the state of Chihuahua in the fall of 2015. 

We believe

We are a Baptist ministry holding to the Solas of the Reformation and the 1689 London Baptist Confession. 

Our primary earthly accountability is to our sending church:
Heritage Baptist Church in Buckeye, AZ. 

Where We Minister

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus Christ

Iglesia Biblica Sola Scriptura

Beginning in early 2016 this congregation in the city of Cuauhtemoc gathers each Lord’s Day and Wednesday evening to worship the God through singing, prayers, and Bible teaching, the ordinances and fellowship. 
Thus far Nathan is the only pastor in this congregation. 

Iglesia Biblica Salvos por Gracia

This congregation in San Juanito, Chihuahua was started by our coworker Heber Gonzalez along with our long time friend Juan Guerreo. 

Soli Deo Gloria - Iglesia Cristiana Reformada

In the small city of Benito Juárez, Chihuahua the Lord has seen fit to establish a  church where His word is preached weekly. Nathan started these meetings in the summer of 2021 together with his good friend Pablo Garcia. 
In 2022 Osman Oduber came to Benito Juárez to pastor this congregation. 

Iglesia del Vallecillo

This is one of the most recent congregations to fellowship with us. It’s a small group lead by our good friend Hugo Lujan. We continue to build relationship with this congregation.   

GraceLife Church and Sola Gratia Reformed Bible Church

We were blessed to be able to participate in the founding of these two churches in 2021. Each of these congregations is now lead by a plurality of qualified elders. They are being used of the Lord to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ among the Low German Mennonite population of our area. 

Iglesia Bautista de Bahuinocachi

Nathan has been traveling to this small mountain town about two hours from our home, every other week since 2016. The congregation in this town is mostly of the Tarahumara ethnicity. We are grateful for the opportunity to come alongside local pastor Victor Gonzalez in this work. 

Online Meeting

Every Tuesday afternoon we hold a men’s online discipleship / prayer meeting. Men from various places in the state of Chihuahua gather to study scripture and Christian doctrine.  Over the course of the last several years we have studied through the 1689 London Baptist Confession, Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch, The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Henry Scrougle, and the book of Titus. We hold these meetings with the goal of inspiring men to be effective leaders in their homes and in Christ’s church. 

What we do. 

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Prayer and the Word

The leaders of the early church gave themselves to the disciplines of the Word and prayer. God has guided His people and caused His kingdom to grow through the use of these indispensable resources for thousands of years. 

Gospel Preaching

“Preach the word” is Paul’s solemn charge to the younger pastor Timothy. God has chosen to utilize this means of grace to save those who believe (1Cor 1) and edify, exhort and comfort His people (1 Cor 14:3). 
God has graciously opened the door for Nathan to exposit the Word multiple times each week. 

Proclamational Evangelism 

God has given us abundant opportunities to proclaim Christ’s gospel to a lost and dying world. Weekly there is an open air market in our community which has served as a wonderful venue for evangelism. 

Discipleship and Leadership Training

Missions is incomplete without leadership training. In the spirit of Titus 2:2, Nathan dedicates time weekly to meeting with the leaders and future leaders that God has brought into our lives. May the Lord raise up more laborers for His harvest field. 

Online Giving

Would the Lord have you participate in support of this gospel ministry? 

Click for online giving

Giving Address

Heritage Baptist Church c/o Marr Mexico Mission
302 N. 4th Street
Buckeye, AZ 85326-2406